Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Webinar Next Week! "Continuous Delivery in the Cloud"

Continuous Delivery in the Cloud

Sign up for Next Week's Stackato webinar

Wednesday, April 15 at 10:00am PST 
John Wetherill, Technology Evangelist, ActiveState
Marco Abis, Founder, HighOps
David Farley, founder and director of Continuous Delivery Ltd. 

Continuous delivery is a direct pathway to becoming a lean, efficient, and, agile software organization. This innovative approach to development can and should be easily translated to the cloud – but not without some preparation first. In this webinar, ActiveState's John Wetherill leads a panel discussion into the areas of continuous delivery, DevOps and software development with Marco Abis, founder of HighOps, and David Farley, founder and director of Continuous Delivery Ltd and co-author of "Continuous Delivery." Some of the highlights will include:

  • Definitions and Baseline
  • The Wall
  • Deployment Pipelines
  • Failure & Chaos
  • Feedback Loop
  • And more....

Adopting continuous delivery not only requires a change in processes and tooling, but a cultural shift as well. John, Dave and Marco discuss these challenges and help you navigate this terrain, setting you up for success.

Seating is limited, so save your spot!

Best regards,
Navrup Johal
Product Marketing Manager 

PS. Stackato makes it easy set up your own PaaS and start deploying applications to the cloud. Sign up for your free 20GB cluster and explore how simple it can be!

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