Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 2015 - Enterprise PaaS Evaluation Guide, Docker and the Slope of Enlightenment, Reshaping Enterprise IT, and Komodo 9 Now Available

Enterprise PaaS Evaluation Guide

In comparison to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) has experienced a slower rate of adoption. However, PaaS is coming into its own as evidenced by increased usage and top technology companies such as HP and IBM supporting open source projects like Cloud Foundry by bringing their own PaaS to market.PaaS Evaluation Guide

PaaS is important because apps are an important part of our lives. With this relatively new dependency on web and mobile applications, organizations need to find a way to automate their app deployment and management process just to stay in the game. If you are not looking for a way to speed up your pipeline, you can bet that your competition is. And PaaS is a critical component to achieving this. 

There are a lot of PaaS offerings (including some that only masquerade as an actual PaaS), so you need to make sure that you are evaluating an enterprise PaaS and not just one that claims to have the functionality "like it."


It's 2:15pm on a Friday, and I'm sitting in the keynote hall at PyCon 2013 fidgeting through a succession of lightning talks that have very little relevance to my life. Topics like "Python code coverage techniques" (ho-hum) and "Controlling Christmas lights with Python" (yawn - I wonder if there's anything new on Hacker News)...when Solomon Hykes takes the stage, unveils Docker, and the world shifts...
Slope of Enlightenment

Enterprise IT is going through unprecedented change. CIO Strategic Advisor Tim Crawford shares insights on how IT can prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities of their new role.


Catch up on all of the great blogs this past month - John Wetherill talks about Bare Metal and the Cloud; Brent Smithurst provides a summary of the March Cloud Foundry Advisory Board meeting; Phil Whelan interviews Alex Jackson about Cloud Foundry's Loggregator; and our devs talk about why they love being a developer.
Virtualization is just an Implementation Detail

Welcome to our new Partner Spotlight Series! We want to take this opportunity to highlight the great work that our partners do and hopefully introduce you to some cutting edge and innovative companies. Today we are speaking with Marco Abis, founder and CEO of HighOps, an IT operations company providing professional and managed services based in London, England. 
Partner Spotlight: HighOps

New features include support for Google Go (golang), new Track Changes, a Markdown Viewer, integration with kopy.io, and more. Get it on sale through April 30, or download the 21-day free trial.
Komodo IDE 9

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