Thursday, May 25, 2017

Subject: Guide to languages for web app dev + ActivePython Boosted w/ Intel MKL + New Komodo release

Table of Contents

[NEW RELEASE] ActivePython Boosted with Intel MKL + More Data Science and Machine Learning Packages

In this release, we've focused on bringing the difficult to build data science packages to all ActivePython users on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. In particular, this release features machine learning (TensorFlow, Theano), data engineering (Luigi, Dask), data science collaboration (Jupyter), and an increased focus on providing the strongest security packages available in the ecosystem. As the saying goes...but wait, there's more! Since machine learning requires serious performance, we’ve added some outstanding enhancements thanks to the performance experts at Intel.


[BLOG] Upgrading Perl to a Modern Version: the ActiveState Guide
Many organizations stopped upgrading Perl after the release of 5.8.8 or 5.10.1, about 8 to 11 years ago. At that point in history, major releases of Perl could take many years to come to fruition. For example, 5.10.1, released 20 months after 5.10, contained a number of backwards incompatibilities and quite a few new features. But if you haven't upgraded for ages, you're in a difficult situation. How do you get from ancient Perl to modern Perl? What should you look out for? And why should you even upgrade at all?

[GUIDE] Key Considerations When Evaluating Languages for Web App Dev
These days every company is a technology company. No matter what products or services it provides, every company must adopt a digital-first strategy in order to stay ahead of the competition. This guide outlines key considerations for language selection

[NEW RELEASE] Komodo 10.2.2
The Komodo team is hard at work on our next big update, but before we get to that we have another maintenance release to share with you. This release has some very significant improvements that enhance your quality of life with Komodo--not the least of which is a performance fix for typing speed, ensuring an enjoyable coding experience. In addition to the performance improvements, this release also ensures full compatibility with our new ActiveGo Beta.

[BLOG] Pandas: Framing the Data
The DataFrame is one of the things that used to really differentiate R from Python as a data analysis language, but thanks to Pandas that is no longer the case. The Pandas DataFrame class gives you a set of tools to manage metadata without even thinking about it.

[BLOG] Creating a Web App Using the Golang Gorrilla Web Toolkit
While you could start a webapp from scratch with the core net/http package, you can save yourself some time and pain by using one of the many webapp toolkits available for Go. This article will cover a simple webapp using the Gorilla web toolkit's mux package, with Postgres .....

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