Friday, June 26, 2015

June 2015 - Stackato now on Microsoft Azure; Wrangling Docker APIs; Komodo 9.1: Package Managers

Microsoft Azure + Stackato = Yay!The growth of Azure has been outstanding--more than 90,000 new subscriptions every month. And the innovation is exponential with over 500 new features and services being added to the platform in the last 12 months. We're very excited to be part of this growth. The combination of Stackato on Azure gives enterprises the technology they need to streamline application delivery, drive innovation and meet the demands of their customers.

Docker APIs are a convenient way for your systems to talk to Docker infrastructure, but sometimes there are challenges associated with them. Outlined in this blog are the steps you need to take and the items you need to look out for when working with Docker APIs.
ActiveState Blog

Cloud marketplaces are an increasingly important way for cloud hosting providers and vendors to help their customers navigate the multitude of cloud services by making them available in a central location. We see the convenience that these cloud marketplaces provide, so we're very happy to announce that we will be joining the ISV Partner ecosystem. 
Cisco + Stackato = Yay!

Read part II of John Wetherill's interview with Adrian Cockcroft as they discuss microservices, tools and the Cloud; John explores the Continuous Delivery Pipeline; Bernard Golden reviews Docker Security; and Billy Tat gives an overview of the Numbers.
Read More
ActiveState Blog

The need for accelerated application deployment has given rise to the DevOps movement. However, despite the undoubted benefits that DevOps promises, many IT organizations struggle to understand and get started with a DevOps strategy and project. This month's fireside chat will focus on the practicalities of implementing a DevOps process.
Fireside Chats

Ever searched for a package on NPM or CPAN? With thousands of packages for so many languages, navigating the associated sites to find just the right module can be... Less than pleasant. Manage project dependencies from within Komodo with the new Package Manager Integration in Komodo 9.1. Bower, NPM (NodeJS), Composer (PHP), Gem (Ruby), Pip (Python 2 and 3), CPANM (Perl), PPM (ActivePerl), PyPM (ActivePython) now supported.
Boxes! Boxes!

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