With over 200K developers on the ActiveState Platform, we've heard loud and clear that you want more packages!
As a result, we've been vetting thousands of popular Python 2 and 3 packages, verifying the metadata, ensuring they'll build, and are now adding them in batches over the next few weeks. Hundreds of the most commonly used packages are there right now - log into the Platform and check it out.
The goal is to make all of PyPI available on the Platform. As always, help us prioritize by telling us which packages you need!
Simplify Python Project Kickoff
In this short video, learn how the ActiveState Platformautomatically resolves Python dependencies and builds your dev environment so you can get coding faster.
ActiveState ran its annual developer survey again in 2019 to better understand open source runtime pains. We got 1,250 responses from developers in 88 countries. Here are some of the highlights:
Developers are still wasting time on retrofitting languages
More than 61% spend four hours or less per day programming, a nearly 20% decrease in time spent programming from 2018
Popularity and satisfaction aren't always connected
Developers use SQL the most often day to day, but Python has the highest satisfaction levels
Enterprise IT departments lack visibility into security threats
41% experienced some or a lot of problems ensuring security is up-to-date with the latest or most secure version of every package
Container tech like Docker can provide some big wins when it comes to deploying production applications; but what does that development flow really look like? It turns out that developing from inside a container requires quite a bit of acrobatics.
A collection of interesting news and cool projects from around the web.
Python 3.8 is here! This article summarizes some of the biggest changes, as well as some cool new features
Confused about Big-O notation? Brush up on your interview knowledge with an easy to understand overview with Python examples
Python has passed Java as the second-most popular language on GitHub — check out Github's annual State of the Octoverse report which provides interesting insights into the industry.
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