We thought you might want to fork a Python project. It’s part of our ActiveState Platform’s Beta features.
Fork ActiveState’s Python 3.6 here.
Create a free account and you can:
- Add and remove packages to our Python 3.6 Linux build.
- Share with your team.
- Try out other free Beta features.
Our goal is for you to run a single command and get coding.
The ActiveState Platform builds what you want in minutes. Forget about dealing with dependency issues and vulnerabilities yourself.
We’re still in Beta, but check out what else you can do:
- Customize: Pick & choose from our package inventory to build the Python or Perl* distribution you want.
- Go back in time: Get build history with branching.
- Click to build: Get your build in minutes!
*Perl 5.22+
Check it out for yourself Create a free account and fork a project.
– The ActiveState Team