Wednesday, November 28, 2018

[Last chance to register] today’s Webinar

Hi sherly,

Wanted to send one last reminder for our Webinar today on “Eliminating Struggles with Adding a Language”.

Join us today at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You’ll learn from our expert panel on best practices and lessons learned for your polyglot environments.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

[Live Webinar] Still time to register for tomorrow!

Hi sherly,

We wanted to make sure you knew about tomorrow’s Webinar: Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language.

Join us on November 28 at 10:00AM PT / 1:00PM ET for a live webinar hosted by us with panelists from Manulife, GSI and ActiveState.

This Webinar will provide best practices and lessons on how to maximize gains from adding a new programming language and minimize pains.

Meet our panelists:

  • Francois Oullet, Director Development Practice, Manulife
  • George Williams, Director of Computing and Data Science, GSI Technology
  • Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState

In the Webinar we’ll cover things like:

  • Implementing Python into your Java development environments
  • Tooling considerations for development, testing & deployment
  • Workflow and education considerations

Can’t make it? Register anyway and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Top up abis gajian, untung beneran!

Ada serba 60% dari Grab nih!


Yuk top up saldo OVO abis gajian, soalnya untungnya double!

Pertama, kamu bisa dapat diskon 60% untuk pesan GrabFood dengan maksimal Rp30rb. Caranya, pesan GrabFood dengan kode promo DITRAKTIROVO dengan pemesanan minimum Rp30rb. Maksimal 3x penggunaan untuk satu orang dan penggunaan harian terbatas.

Kedua, kamu bisa dapat cashback 60% dengan maksimal 30rb OVO Points untuk transaksi di merchant-merchant OVO berikut ini:

  • Sour Sally
  • Auntie Anne's
  • Bakso A FUNG
  • chapayom
  • D'COST
  • Miniso
  • Shihlin
  • TOUS les JOURS

Yuk buruan download OVO di sini dan top up saldo OVO sekarang!

Periode promo: 23-30 November 2018


*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. Selengkapnya klik di sini

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

[Webinar] Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language

Hi sherly,

We know that one of the hardest things an enterprise can do is add a new programming language. So we want to help.

Please join us in our Webinar Nov 28 at 10am PT/1pm ET, “Eliminate the Struggles with Adding a Language”, you can register here.

Expert panelists from Manulife, GSI Technology and ActiveState will share best practices and lessons learned around:

  • Education - for your developer to your DevOps teams on the new language or the related tooling the language entails
  • Tooling - from IDEs to CI tooling; depending on what you’re using you may either need to extend or replace
  • Workflow Processes - some languages may fit within your existing workflows others may require extensive changes

Don’t miss out! Register for the Webinar. Can’t make it? Register anyway and we’ll send you a copy of the webinar once it’s completed.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

EMAS 1 KG bisa jadi milikmu!

Tukar poin GrabRewards-mu sekarang!



Beneran! Akhir tahun ini kamu bisa dapat hadiah utama EMAS 1 KG untuk 1 pemenang lho! Gak cuma itu, masih banyak hadiah lain yang bisa kamu dapatkan:

  • Emas 25gr untuk 5 pemenang
  • Emas 10gr untuk 10 pemenang
  • Emas 5gr untuk 25 pemenang

Mau? Gampang banget! Buat kamu member Regular dan Silver, tukarkan 50 poin GrabRewards untuk dapat 1 kesempatan undian. Buat kamu member Gold dan Platinum, tukarkan 30 poin GrabRewards saja. Makin banyak tukar, makin besar kesempatanmu menang!

Terus naik Grab, kumpulkan poin GrabRewards dan tukarkan segera! Buruan cek katalog GrabRewards-mu!

*S&K Berlaku

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EDM Name: ID18 - Grab X Indosat Freedom M/XL EDM

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

[Nov 28 Webinar] Eliminate Struggles with Adding a Language

Hi sherly,

We thought you’d be interested in our webinar just two weeks away, Nov. 28, 10am PT / 1pm ET, “Eliminate Struggles With Adding a Language”. You can register here.

In our ActiveState 2018 Developer Survey, we found 67% of respondents wouldn’t add a language, even if it was the best tool for the job, because of the challenges associated with adding the language.

We thought it would be helpful to bring together some experts on suggestions to simplify the process of adopting a language within an enterprise. We’ll answer questions like:

  • How to make your Java shop Python friendly
  • Considerations for your development, testing and deployment environments
  • Benefits of languages like Python for innovation, improvements and enhancements

In our webinar, you’ll hear from our panel on lessons learned & best practices. Panelists are:

  • Francois Oullet, Director of Development Practice, Manulife
  • George Williams, Director of Computing & Data Science, GSI Technology
  • Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState

If you’re interested in learning about what we’re working on, please drop us a line. And if you haven’t had a chance to review the survey, get it here.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Monday, November 12, 2018

Mau top up saldo OVO-mu?

Kini bisa top up di Alfamart!


Jangan sampai kamu kehabisan saldo OVO-mu karena banyak keuntungan yang bisa kamu dapatkan kalau bayar Grab pakai OVO! Sekarang kamu bisa top up saldo OVO-mu di Alfamart lho!

Cukup ikuti langkah mudah ini dan kamu siap jalan kembali:

  • Buka aplikasi Grab dan pilih OVO
  • Pilih Top Up > pilih minimarket
  • Pilih jumah top up & pilih Alfamart
  • Tunjukkan kode pembayaran yang kamu terima kepada kasir Alfamart

Mudah bukan? Yuk top up saldo OVO-mu sekarang!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mau top up saldo OVO di BCA?

Gunakan nomor virtual account baru 39358


Terus nikmati kemudahan top up saldo OVO via ATM BCA, KlikBCA, dan m-BCA dengan nomor virtual account yang baru! Kini kamu bisa gunakan nomor virtual account 39358!

Cukup ikuti langkah mudah ini dan kamu siap jalan kembali:

  • Masukkan PIN BCA Anda
  • Pilih Menu Transaksi Lainnya
  • Pilih Menu Transfer
  • Pilih Menu Ke Rek BCA Virtual Account
  • Masukkan 39358 + nomor ponsel Anda: 39358 08xxxxxxxxx
  • Masukkan nominal top-up (min. Rp20.000)
  • Ikuti instruksi untuk menyelesaikan transaksi
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