Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[ActiveState 2018 Developer Survey Report] Open Source Runtime Pains

Hi sherly,

This year we ran ActiveState’s Developer Survey 2018, Open Source Runtime Pains, to help us better understand challenges developers are facing with respect to open source runtimes.

You can find the survey report online here:


Quick facts:

  • We received 1,407 responses across 92 countries.
  • Python achieved the highest satisfaction ranking. 68% of respondents gave it a ranking of very satisfied or greater.
  • Adding or incorporating a language into an organization was rated as the most difficult challenge. 56% of respondents rated it as very difficult or difficult.

We hope the results of this survey will help us better understand the runtime pains faced by developers, and that these insights will enable contributions to open source communities to address key pain points developers experience with open source runtimes.

If you’re interested in learning about what we’re working on, please drop us a line.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Friday, October 26, 2018

Abis gajian dijamin senang!

Ada promo serba 60%!


Seneng kan abis gajian? Nah, kamu bakal makin seneng lagi karena Grab ada yang serba 60%!

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Mau cashbacknya? Download aplikasi OVO juga ya!


*Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Mau top up saldo OVO-mu?

Kini bisa top up via pengemudi


Sekarang, kamu bisa nikmati perjalanan Grab yang nyaman & praktis tanpa uang tunai dengan OVO. Nikmati juga kemudahan top saldo OVO-mu via pengemudi!

Cukup ikuti langkah mudah ini, dan kamu siap jalan kembali!

  1. Saat kamu memesan Grab, ada notifikasi jika kamu bisa isi ulang saldo OVO lewat pengemudi
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  5. Isi ulang saldo OVO berhasil

Mudah bukan? Yuk, segera top up OVO-mu!

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mau top up saldo OVO-mu?

Kini bisa top up di ATM Permata



Terus nikmati praktisnya bayar Grab tanpa tunai dengan OVO. Bayarnya praktis, top up nya juga gampang lewat Bank Permata. 

Cukup ikuti langkah mudah ini, dan kamu siap jalan kembali!

  1. Pilih transaksi lain > Pembayaran > Others > Akun Virtual
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  3. Konfirmasi rincian dan pilih sumber dana
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  5. Konfirmasi transaksi dan kamu akan menerima pemberitahuan status dari aplikasi Grab

Mudah bukan? Yuk, segera top up OVO-mu!

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