Saturday, September 29, 2018

Yuk, Bantu Pak Basuki Melawan Kanker Stadium Lanjut!

Pak Basuki (39), mitra GrabCar harus melawan penyakit kanker miliknya dan penyakit autoimun anaknya.


 Hai Grabbers!


Perkenalkan salah satu mitra pengemudi GrabCar kami yang bernama Pak Basuki. Pria berusia 39 tahun ini dulunya merupakan teknisi listrik dengan status pegawai kontrak di sebuah maskapai penerbangan nasional. Sayangnya, ia gagal menjadi pegawai tetap karena memiliki kanker tenggorokan stadium lanjut. Pak Basuki pun beralih profesi menjadi mitra pengemudi GrabCar selama dua tahun terakhir ini.


Perjuangan hidup yang harus ditempuh oleh Pak Basuki belum berhenti di situ. Di samping membiayai kehidupan sehari-hari dan pengobatan dirinya sendiri, ia harus menyisihkan sebagian pendapatan lagi untuk biaya perawatan anak sulungnya. Gemilang Viqki Rabbani (14 tahun) terserang penyakit autoimun setelah mengikuti vaksinasi difteri gratis dari sekolah.


Bagaimana cara menyalurkan kebaikanmu?


1. Masuk ke halaman

2. Isi jumlah donasi yang ingin diberikan

3. Lengkapi identitas atau masuk ke akun pribadi dan pilih metode pembayaran

4. Transfer donasi ke nomor rekening yang tertera


Yuk, bersama-sama kita bantu Pak Basuki melawan penyakit kanker miliknya dan penyakit autoimun anaknya!

Donasi sekarang
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Thursday, September 27, 2018

[Last chance to register] today’s Webinar

[Webinar Announcement] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

Hi sherly,

Wanted to send one last reminder for our Webinar today on machine learning operationalization, MLOps.

Join us today at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You’ll learn from our expert panel what to consider for your DevOps process to to help you successfully implement ML .

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

[Live Webinar] Still time to register for tomorrow!

[Webinar Announcement] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

Hi sherly,

We wanted to make sure you knew about tomorrow’s Webinar: MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization.

Join us on September 27 at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us.

This Webinar will provide insight for DevOps and Engineering Leads tasked with operationalizing machine learning models as well as how to shift their DevOps to MLOps.

Come hear from Nisha Talagala, CTO & VP Engineering, ParallelM; Boris Tvaroska, Global Artificial Intelligence Lead, Lenovo, as well as Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState, regarding processes, tools and use cases for machine learning.

We know the challenges organizations face when crossing the last mile, or operationalizing their machine learning models. Successfully pushing ML to production requires a shift in your DevOps practices to become MLOps, machine learning operationalization.

In the webinar, Nisha, Boris and Dana will cover:

  • The last mile - from Data Science to Business ROI
  • What makes ML uniquely challenging in production
  • Automating the production ML lifecycle
  • MLOps, DevOps and SDLC - how to integrate for automation, scale, and collaboration

Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Trip impian ke Club Med Kani, Maldives, masih menunggumu!

Terus bayar pake ovo dan menangkan trip impianmu!



Untuk kamu yang belum pernah bayar Grab pakai OVO, kamu berkesempatan untuk menangkan hadiah utama trip impian ke Maldives - lengkap dengan makanan, beragam aktivitas seru, klub anak-anak, dan hiburan malamnya untuk 3 orang pemenang beserta pasangan!   


Segera aktivasi OVO di aplikasi Grab-mu, top up saldonya, dan terus bayar Grab pakai OVO. Semakin sering bayar Grab pakai OVO, semakin besar kesempatanmu menangkan trip impian untuk bisa nikmati pantai yang indah, suasana malam yang meriah, dan indahnya laut biru tanpa batas.


Selain bisa menangkan trip impian, ada juga hadiah berupa saldo OVO Rp500rb untuk 20 pemenang setiap minggunya!


Berikut periodenya:

Minggu 1: 3 - 9 September 2018

Minggu 2: 10 - 16 September 2018

Minggu 3: 17 - 23 September 2018

Minggu 4: 24 - 30 September 2018

Minggu 5: 1 - 7 Oktober 2018


Atau, mau coba yang lain?

Pakai poin Rewards-mu untuk dapatkan voucher diskon 5% Club Med.


Voucher diskon ini juga bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya di situs web Club Med.

*S&K Berlaku

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EDM Name: ID18 - GPOVO ClubMed 20Sept EDM E SMC

[Live Webinar] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

[Webinar Announcement] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

Hi sherly,

Join us on September 27 at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us.

We know the challenges companies face when operationalizing their machine learning models. We’ve brought together an expert panel to discuss how to successfully shift your DevOps practices to become MLOps and push ML to production.

Nisha Talagala, Co-Founder, CTO & VP Engineering, ParallelM - 54 patents, 15 years in software development and former technology lead for server flash at Intel.

Prior to ParallelM, Nisha was a Fellow at SanDisk and Fellow/Lead Architect at Fusion-io, where she drove innovation in non-volatile memory, in particular the industry’s first persistent memory solution.

Prior to Intel, Nisha was the CTO of Gear6, where she designed and built clustered computing caches for high performance I/O environments. Nisha earned her PhD at UC Berkeley with research on software clustering and distributed storage.

Boris Tvarosk, Global Artificial Intelligence Lead, Lenovo - Boris has more than 20 years IT Leadership experience across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. He is currently Global Artificial Intelligence Architect for Lenovo.

Previously, Boris was CTO of, startup with a mission to automate repetitive tasks in project management. Before his startup work he was running Solution Architecture for HP in Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India.

Boris has a Master in Computer Science from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia and a Master in Business Administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Boris has more than 20 years of experience developing new technologies and building new markets.

Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState - Responsible for the go-to-market function at ActiveState, Dana has 20+ years of experience both crossing and falling into the chasm while bringing to market everything from desktop to Web to SaaS software. He’s worked previously in positions ranging from Senior Product Manager for CA Technologies to Marketing Intelligence Manager at IBM.

Come hear from Nisha, Boris and Dana regarding processes, tools and use cases for machine learning. They will cover:

  • Processes for IT and engineering teams tailor-made for operationalizing ML
  • CI/CD process for software development with ML Component
  • Machine and Deep learning use in DevOps cycle from Testing to Operations

Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

[Live Webinar] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

[Webinar Announcement] MLOps: Machine Learning Operationalization

Hi sherly,

Join us on September 27 at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us.

Come hear from Nisha Talagala, CTO & VP Engineering, ParallelM, as well as Boris Tvaroska, Global Artificial Intelligence Lead, Lenovo, as well as Dana Crane, Product Marketing Manager, ActiveState, regarding processes, tools and use cases for machine learning.

We know the challenges organizations face when crossing the last mile, or operationalizing their machine learning models. Successfully pushing ML to production requires a shift in your DevOps practices to become MLOps, machine learning operationalization.

We’ve brought together a panel deeply entrenched in machine learning and its operationalization along with successful deployments of software at scale. In the webinar, Nisha, Boris and Dana will cover:

  • Processes for IT and engineering teams tailor-made for operationalizing ML
  • Best practices for MLOps
  • Use cases for ML including ML for DevOps

Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sekarang lebih mudah beritahu pengemudi di mana kamu berada!

Tinggal kirimkan foto lokasimu dan pengemudi siap menjemputmu!do the talking.


Sekarang jadi lebih mudah untuk beritahu pengemudi di mana kamu berada!

Cukup kirim foto tempat kamu berada untuk memudahkan pengemudi menemukan lokasi kamu. Tekan logo kamera di pojok kanan bawah saat kamu chatting dengan pengemudi Grab-mu.


Ini beberapa tips untuk kamu coba!

Ambil gambar yang jelas.


Kirim gambar yang spesifik.


Sudah punya aplikasi Grab versi terbaru?

Kamu harus update aplikasi Grab-mu dengan versi terbaru untuk bisa kirim foto ke pengemudi di fitur chat Grab.

Update sekarang!


Q: Apakah Grab memiliki salinan foto yang telah dibagi?

Ya, Grab menyimpan salinan seluruh foto sehingga bisa digunakan untuk penyelidikan kasus laporan pelecehan. (cth: berbagi foto yang tidak pantas)

Q: Apakah driver memiliki salinan foto yang dibagikan?

Tidak, foto-foto itu dihapus setelah pemesanan selesai.

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