Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bahagia itu bisa bantu anak yatim punya baju baru

Grab bersama PKPU, mengajak kamu ikut berdonasi Rp5.000 melalui poin GrabRewards


Bahagia itu bisa berbagi kebaikan dengan siapapun, terlebih di bulan Ramadan ini. Baik dalam hal sederhana hingga yang besar, kebaikan bisa memberikan kebahagiaan yang berarti.


Karena itu di bulan yang istimewa ini, Grab ingin berbagi kebahagiaan dengan anak-anak yatim yang merindu pakaian baru, dan mengundang Grabbers untuk ikut dalam aksi ini.


Grab bersama PKPU, mengajak kamu ikut berdonasi Rp5.000 melalui poin GrabRewards, dengan menukarkan 250 poin kamu.  Kamu juga bisa membantu melalui sosial media twitter karena setiap tweet dengan hashtag #GrabBerbagi & #BahagiaItuDekat, kamu turut menyumbang 1.000 Rupiah.


Ingin ikut berdonasi?

  1. Buka aplikasi Grab.
  2. Pilih GrabRewards pada bagian menu di kiri atas.
  3. Donasikan Rp5.000 pakai poinmu.


Dari donasi yang dikumpulkan, PKPU akan membantu menyediakan baju baru bagi anak-anak yatim dan Grab sebagai transportasi ofisial akan membantu pendistribusian baju baru untuk merayakan Hari Raya nanti.

#GrabBerbagi #BahagiaituDekat


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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

[Last chance to register] today's Webinar

Hi sherly,

Wanted to send one last reminder for our webinar today about 5 ways to reduce application risk. Tune in to get an up close & personal demo of our runtime security offering.

Join us on May 30 at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by ActiveState. You’ll learn about our Python runtime security offering and how your Developers, Audit and InfoSec teams can all benefit..

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

[Live Webinar] Still time to register for tomorrow!

Hi sherly,

We want to make sure you don't miss out on tomorrow's webinar!

Please join us on May 30 at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a demo of our Runtime Security & 5 Key Ways to Reduce Application Risk.

This webinar will provide insight for those tasked with implementing security practices, or those who need to ensure code adheres to security requirements.

In the webinar we'll give you a first glance at our SaaS Platform's first features for managing open source languages. We'll demo the runtime security offering that enables you to shift your security practices ALL the way left into your source code, eliminate the need for an agent and provide server side monitoring only of what's running. Presenting the Webinar will be our VP Product, Jeff Rouse, and Product Marketing Manager, Dana Crane.

Dana & JR will cover:

  • how we bake security right into open source languages
  • what security & compliance threats you’re able to track at runtime
  • why shifting issue resolution left avoids bottlenecks

Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

[Live Webinar] 5 Ways to Reduce Application Risk - Runtime Security

Hi sherly,

Join us on May 30 at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You’ll get a first hand demo of our new runtime security offering.

We’ll walk you through some of the key features and benefits along with 5 ways to reduce application risk.

This is of interest for anyone working with open source languages, interested in standardizing on builds, and looking for a way to easily track security and compliance at runtime.

Plus, we'll walk you through how we give you a way to bake security right into the code, remove bottlenecks in your SDLC and help you say 'YES' to developers.

In the webinar, we will cover:

  • how we bake security right into open source languages
  • what security & compliance threats you’re able to track at runtime
  • why shifting issue resolution left avoids bottlenecks

We know that it can feel like a constant struggle to balance speed of development with your security and compliance requirements. And bolting security on later slows down application delivery while creating unnecessary tension between SDLC stakeholders. Plus, no one is covering your blindspots.

Learn how your developers can go faster and still enable your security teams to retain control.

Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recorded session once it’s available.

Best Regards,

Jason Kamara
ActiveState Team

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sekarang dapat rewards jadi lebih mudah!

Mudahnya Dapat Rewards di GrabRewards


Sekarang mudah banget dapetin rewards di katalog GrabRewards. Cukup naik GrabCar atau GrabBike mulai dari 4x, kamu bisa kumpulin poin untuk ditukar dengan rewards dari berbagai merchant yang ada di katalog GrabRewards. Tunggu apa lagi? Buruan cek katalogmu sekarang!



Diskon Grab Rp1500 dengan tukar 80 poin 



Diskon Zalora 15% dengan tukar 80 poin 



Cashback Tokopedia 15% hingga Rp30rb dengan tukar 80 poin 



Diskon Lazada 15% hingga Rp40rb dengan tukar 80 poin


Cek GrabRewards sekarang
Help Centre

Grab Indonesia
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Monday, May 21, 2018

Menu berbuka Bakmi GM cuma Rp15ribu!

Hangatnya Berbuka di GrabFood


Rasakan hangatnya berbuka puasa dengan promo eksklusif dari Bakmi GM di GrabFood. Pesan sekarang dan nikmati harga spesial serba Rp15 ribu!




Syarat & Ketentuan:
Berlaku max 2 box untuk setiap pemesanan.
Hanya 1 menu pilihan tersedia setiap harinya.
Selama persediaan masih ada dan di cabang yang telah ditentukan.


Pesan sekarang
Help Centre

Grab Indonesia
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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sambil ngeGrab, cek Grab Daily

Khusus buat kamu di bulan Ramadan


Marhaban ya Ramadan


Khusus buat kamu di bulan Ramadan 🙏🏻

Info mesjid terdekat 🕌, waktu shalat, beduk, dan imsak, rekomendasi takjil, tips puasa dan game seru buat nemenin kamu ngabuburit. #BahagiaItuDekat



3 Cara mudah untuk mengakses Grab Daily:

1. Buka aplikasi Grab kamu

2. Klik menu di pojok kiri atas

3. Pilih Grab Daily/Grab Seharian



Ada apa saja di Grab Daily?

Kejutan khusus untuk kamu setiap harinya!



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