Wednesday, January 31, 2018

[Last chance to register] for today's Webinar!

Hi sherly,

Wanted to send one last reminder about today's webinar on application security.

Join us today at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You'll learn from our panel what to consider to help you manage your business needs & security requirements.

Can't make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we'll send you a link to the recorded session once it's available.

Best Regards,

– Mike Kanasoot
The ActiveState Team

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

[Live Webinar] Still time to register for tomorrow!

Hi sherly,

We wanted to make sure you knew about tomorrow's webinar: Inject Security Into Source Code: How 2018 Will Shift Your Application Security Priorities.

This webinar will provide insight for executives tasked with implementing security practices or who need to ensure code adheres to security requirements.

The panel’s experience ranges from defining and implementing security practices in multi-national finance institutions to building platforms to manage source code and
implement security as part of your open source software language.

Join us on January 31st at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You'll learn from our panel what to consider to help you manage your business needs & your security requirements.

In the webinar, Farshad, Jacek & JR will cover:

● Top threats to consider in your application security
● The changing landscape of security
● How to mitigate security risks with open source software
● A new way to shift security way left, into source code!

Can't make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we'll send you a link to the recorded session once it's available.

Best Regards,

– Mike Kanasoot
The ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

[Live Webinar] Inject Security into Source Code, How 2018 Will Shift Your Application Security Priorities

Hi sherly,

We know it's harder and harder for your security teams to keep up with the pace of innovation. And that the demands on your security team are unrelenting.

We want to help! So we've put together a panel to help you learn about:

● the top threats to consider in your application security
● how to think of source code as the way to shift security way left
● a Python distro that bakes security right into the language.

Join us on January 31st at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You'll learn from our panel what to consider to help you manage your business needs & your security requirements.

Hear from our expert panel about the top threats to consider in your application security and how to mitigate. The panel includes: 

Farshad Abasi, CTO, Mirai Security - former security architect. He now helps companies implement application & cloud security practices. 

Jacek Materna, CTO, Assembla - cyber security expert who sets Assembla's technology vision. Assembla has a focus on source code security. 

Jeff Rouse, Director Product Management, ActiveState - oversees ActiveState's product strategy. ActiveState enables enterprises with commercial level open source language distributions. 

Can't make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we'll send you a link to the recorded session once it's available.

Best Regards,

– Mike Kanasoot
The ActiveState Team

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

[Live Webinar] Hear from our expert panel, shift-left your security

Hi sherly,

We know it's harder and harder for your security teams to keep up with the pace of innovation. And that the demands on your security team are unrelenting.

We want to help! So we've put together an expert panel:

Farshad Abasi, CTO, Mirai Security - former security architect. He now helps companies implement application & cloud security practices. 

Jacek Materna, CTO, Assembla - cyber security expert who sets Assembla's technology vision. Assembla has a focus on source code security. 

Jeff Rouse, Director Product Management, ActiveState - oversees ActiveState's product strategy. ActiveState enables enterprises with commercial level open source language distributions.  

Join us on January 31st at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST for a live webinar hosted by us. You'll learn from our panel what to consider to help you manage your business needs & your security requirements.

In the webinar Farshad, Jacek & JR will cover:

  • Top threats to consider in your application security
  • The changing landscape of security 
  • How to mitigate security risks with open source software
  • A new way to shift security way left, into source code!

Can't make it to the webinar? Register anyway, and we'll send you a link to the recorded session once it's available.

Best Regards,

– Mike Kanasoot
The ActiveState Team

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Untung pakai GrabPay Credits diskonnya 80%!

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Hai Grabbers,

Masih ribet pakai uang tunai?  Coba untungnya pakai GrabPay Credits! Selain praktis tanpa uang tunai, kamu juga punya banyak pilihan untuk melakukan Top-Up Credits-mu! Mulai dari Top-Up melalui pengemudi, minimarket, kartu debit, atau ATM dan internet banking. Semua transaksi pun tercatat di dalam aplikasi-mu sehingga aman dan nyaman.

Bagi pengguna baru GrabPay Credits, ada diskon 80% hingga maksimal Rp20.000 untuk 2X perjalanan dengan kode promo BYETUNAI

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Monday, January 15, 2018

Wow! Sekarang bisa Top-Up GrabPay Credits melalui pengemudi di seluruh Indonesia

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Hai Grabbers,

Jalan ke mana aja di seluruh Indonesia, lebih mudah untuk Top-Up GrabPay Credits-mu, karena sekarang sudah bisa Top-Up melalui pengemudi di seluruh kota di Indonesia! Cukup ikuti langkah mudah berikut ini:

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