Monday, December 31, 2018

Terima kasih untukmu, dari Grab!

Spesial hanya untukmu ada diskon naik Grab!


Hai sherly!

Untukmu pelanggan setia Grab di Bandung, kami ucapkan terima kasih karena telah jadikan kami andalan untuk temani hari-harimu.

Sebagai tanda terima kasih kami, nikmati diskon spesial untuk perjalanan GrabCar dan GrabBike-mu. Pesan GrabCar dengan kode promo TEMANANDALANBDOGC dan pesan GrabBike dengan kode promo TEMANANDALANBDOGB.




Terus cek aplikasi Grab-mu untuk dapatkan berbagai promo seru khusus untukmu para pelanggan setia Grab! Sebuah kebahagiaan tak ternilai bagi kami untuk menemani setiap kilometer dalam perjalananmu!     

*S&K berlaku.

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Platform Beta Open for You, Message From Our CEO and More!

What a Year!

We’ve been working hard on delivering additional value to our customers and open source developers to solve these two key pain points:

  • Developers waste time retrofitting open source languages for security, licenses and dependencies
  • Management can’t gauge risk

Take a look at what we've been up to!


[SaaS Trial] Try out ActiveState Platform functionality, create a free account

Get on the ActiveState Platform with Beta functionality. Create a free account on our Community Tier. Gain access to on-demand builds, share public projects and invite friends!

Build open source languages on-demand. You choose from our package inventory to build what you need with simple point & click.

Plus, get first access to features planned for 2019 like:

  • Automatic dependency resolution
  • Comprehensive build history with branching
  • Integrated vulnerability reporting & resolution

[Survey Report] Get our 2018 Developer Survey, the first to focus on open source runtimes

This year ActiveState ran a developer survey to better understand open source runtime pains. Here are some highlights:

Developers waste time retrofitting:

  • 44% reported they only spend two to four hours a day programming
  • 74% said they spend most or part of their time each week managing dependencies and development tools

Management can’t gauge risk:

  • 47% reported that stability – building new releases that behave the same as old releases – is a significant concern
  • 50 % said security was a chief concern

[Video] Hear our CEO talk about his vision for open source languages

In less than 2 minutes, hear our CEO & President, Bart Copeland, talk about our SaaS Platform for open source languages and why he’s so passionate about solving key paint points faced by developers and management.

Straight out of the gate he tells you how “polyglot is killing the enterprise” and how “we believe you can get all the benefits of many open source languages without the headaches”.

[Blog] Read about the Advent of Open Source Language Automation

After more than 20 years building open source languages for 97% of the Fortune 1000 and millions of developers, we’ve seen first-hand that ‘polyglot is killing the enterprise’.

Enterprises are unable to gauge the risk of their polyglot environments and are taxed with developers wasting time retrofitting languages.

Developers are working with manual and disparate solutions; they spend less time coding than they do everything else.

So we made a pledge to resolve the challenges with polyglot environments.

[Product How Tos] Jupyter Notebooks, tracking code and more

Our SaaS Platform for open source languages was released in May, enabling runtime security of Python code. Plus, you can get a bill of materials of your language code, open source language artifacts and get notified about new vulnerabilities and where impacted language code is running.

Want to learn more about how to use the ActiveState Platform? Watch these series of videos to learn more about how the Platform works.

What's Next?

Don’t forget to create your free account and try out the Beta functionality.

Schedule a call for Jan 2019 if you’d like to learn more about the Platform, get a demo or answer some of your burning questions.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Beli pulsa Telkomsel ADA BONUS!

Bonus pulsa 10% + cashback saldo OVO 12%!


Mau liburan makin seru? Beli aja paket data dan pulsa Telkomsel di Grab! Ada bonus pulsa 10% + cashback saldo OVO 12% lho! 


Cashback saldo OVO 12% dapat langsung dicek di menu ‘Rewards Saya/My Rewards’. Kamu bisa langsung tukarkan voucher saldo OVO dan saldo OVO-mu akan otomatis bertambah!

Ikuti cara mudah ini:


Syarat dan Ketentuan:

  • Periode promo: 24 - 31 Desember 2018.
  • Bonus pulsa 10% hanya berlaku bagi pembelian pulsa dengan nominal Rp150rb dan Rp200rb, pembelian paket data GamesMAX, 12GB + 2GB Video, dan 35GB + 2GB Video.
  • Bonus pulsa akan diberikan secara otomatis setelah pembelian pulsa atau paket data berhasil.
  • Bonus pulsa akan diberikan kepada pemilik nomor tujuan dari pembelian pulsa atau paket data
  • Setiap pengguna aplikasi Grab hanya bisa mendapatkan bonus sebanyak 1 kali selama periode promo.
  • Kuota harian promo terbatas dan dapat berhenti sewaktu-waktu.
  • Apabila terjadi kecurangan, Grab berhak melakukan tindakan yang diperlukan kepada pengguna.
  • Keputusan Grab bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  • Syarat dan ketentuan cashback saldo OVO 12% dapat dilihat di sini

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Masih repot bayar tagihan?

Bayar tagihan di Grab gampang banget!


Dulu bayar tagihan emang repot, tapi sekarang bayar tagihan jadi gampang di aplikasi Grab pakai saldo OVO!

Caranya gampang banget:



Sebelum membayar tagihan, pastikan kamu sudah aktivasi OVO dan top up saldo OVO  terlebih dahulu.




Cobain Sekarang
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Thursday, December 13, 2018


Tukar poin sekarang! Menangkan EMAS 1KG!


Tinggal 2 hari tersisa buat kejar EMAS 1 KG yang kamu mau! Jangan sampai menyesal! Tukar sekarang juga! Cuma butuh tukar 10 poin GrabRewards-mu  buat dapat kesempatan hadiah emasnya!



Eits! Gak cuma itu, ada juga hadiah lain yang bisa kamu dapatkan seperti ini: 


Terus naik Grab, kumpulkan poin GrabRewards dan tukarkan segera sebelum poinmu hangus tanggal 31 Desember 2018! Makin banyak tukar, makin besar kesempatanmu menang!

*S&K berlaku

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Kemajuan baru setiap hari untuk perjalanan lebih fleksibel.

Ubah tujuan di dalam perjalanan dan tombol pembatalan saat pencarian pengemudi.


Memberimu fleksibilitas lebih dalam perjalanan.

Kami percaya bahwa perjalananmu dari A ke B, atau C, harus senyaman mungkin dengan penuh kemudahan. Mulai dari menambah fitur untuk mengganti tujuan saat dalam perjalanan hingga menambah fitur pembatalan perjalanan saat proses booking, kami terus menerus membuat kemajuan baru untuk memberimu pengalaman perjalanan lebih mudah saat bersama kami, seperti di dalam video ini. 


Kemajuan yang kami lakukan hari demi hari, akan membawa kami #MajuLebihDekat untuk berikan pengalaman terbaik bagimu, bersama Grab. Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang fitur kemudahan selama perjalanan lainnya, klik tombol di bawah ini.

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