Thursday, August 17, 2017

Get one of five $50 Amazon gift cards - Take our Linux survey!

Hi sherly,

ActiveState needs your help as we work to ensure we're providing you with the most relevant open source language distributions (Perl, Python, Tcl, Go, Ruby and more) for your environments.

We've put together a short 4 question survey to help us identify the most popular Linux vendors and versions in your enterprise.

The survey will only take about 5 minutes, and you'll be entered for the chance to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards for helping us out.

All the best and thanks for your feedback!

— JR and the ActiveState Team

Jeff Rouse,
Director of Product Management,
ActiveState Software

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

ActiveRuby Beta + ActiveGo Released, Linux User Survey, Komodo 10 Update

Table of Contents

[NEW RELEASE] ActiveRuby Beta Released on Windows

Some of the world’s largest companies use Ruby as the underlying technology to drive value for their customers. Twitter, Bloomberg, AirBnB, Shopify and many others have built world class solutions with Ruby (and Rails). And why not? It is highly productive, fun to use, and easy to maintain by individuals all the way up to large teams of engineers.

ActiveRuby comes precompiled with the top community gems, so you can get started without the pain of installing and managing gems on Windows. Try it now and submit your feedback for the chance to win a t-shirt!


[NEW RELEASE] ActiveGo 1.8.3 Released on Linux, MacOS and Windows

We're proud to announce the release of our Go distribution. ActiveGo is based on, and 100% compatible with, open source Go. On top of that, we've added 75+ popular packages including toolkits for microservices, database and big data connectors, web app development and the TensorFlow Go binding for machine learning.

Download the Community Edition and start developing for free. When you're ready to go into production, get ActiveGo Business Edition--on sale now for $399 and includes a complimentary license of Komodo IDE. That's a $1,495 value!


[SURVEY] Linux Versions - Win One of Five $50 Amazon Gift Cards
In order to ensure we continue providing you with the most relevant open source language distros for your environments, we've created a short, 4 question survey to help us discover the most popular Linux vendors and versions in your enterprise. Answer 4 simple questions and be entered to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards.

[GUIDE] Unlocking the Power of Data Science & Machine Learning with Python
As organizations continue to invest in big data, the challenge is less about the data itself, but on the algorithms that turn data into business value. Python is becoming the universal language for unlocking the power of big data, with capabilities for advanced analytics, machine learning and operationalizing results. This guide provides an overview of how you can use Python for your data science and machine learning initiatives.

[BUG FIX] Komodo 10.2.3 Released - Freezing Issues Resolved
MacOS 10.12.4 came with an interesting surprise for Komodo users, one that made Komodo randomly hang when running processes. Many of you reported this bug to us--which may have affected other platforms as well--and helped us diagnose it over the weeks and months that followed. We are pleased to inform you the issue has been resolved. Check out the link below for more details and the fix.

[BLOG] Code Recipes - 5,000+ Recipes for Perl, Python, Ruby and More

ActiveState has over 5000 code recipes spanning multiple open source languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, just for you! For more than a decade, we've hosted them in a vast repository, notably the largest collection of Python code recipes found anywhere.

Now they have a new home in our GitHub repository. Feel free to pull them, fork them or use them in your projects.


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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Your GRAB E-Receipt

Semoga perjalanan anda tadi menyenangkan!
RP 34,000
2017-08-09 16:44:22 +0700
Detail Pesanan
Jenis Kendaraan:
Diterbitkan oleh Pengemudi
M Suprawanto
Diterbitkan untuk
Kode Booking
Lokasi Penjemputan:
Jln. Waas,
Lokasi Tujuan:
Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.143-149, Sukagalih, Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40173, Indonesia
Detail Tagihan
Detail Pembayaran:
Detail Pembayaran   Jumlah:
Tarif Perjalanan   RP 34,000
TOTAL       RP 34,000   |   +6221 80648777

Copyright © 2016 GrabTaxi Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang.
Ketahui promo terbaru dari Grab


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