Wednesday, January 18, 2017

ActivePython 3.5.2 and 2.7.12; Sign up for the TDD with ActivePython Webinar; Komodo IDE 10.2 Pre-Release Ready to Test

Table of Contents

[NEW RELEASE] ActivePython 3.5.2 and 2.7.12 Builds Are Now Available
Last week we announced the release of our new ActivePython distributions. The updates include releasing our 2.7.12 and 3.5.2 ActivePython builds as well as incorporating some additional packages:
  • Coverage
  • Pyflakes
  • Pytest
  • VirtualEnv
  • Requests
  • Six
  • DateUtil
  • MarkupSafe
If you're looking for a Python distribution with further tested and supported packages, contact us about Enterprise Edition.

[WEBINAR] Test-Driven Development with ActivePython
Test driven development (TDD) continues to grow in popularity as a development process that promotes diligence, oversight, and robust programming practices. Join Tom Radcliffe, ActiveState Director of Engineering, and Jeff Rouse, ActiveState Director of Product Management, as they discuss the emergence and importance of TDD, how it impacts Python developers, and what it means for enterprise programming.

On the Road to Unification: ActivePerl and ActivePython + Komodo IDE
We are bundling Komodo IDE with our ActivePerl and ActivePython language distributions. This is a real first step in bringing our products together: buy an ActiveState language distribution and get our first-class IDE to go with it.

ActiveGo Beta Coming in February
The fantastic Go community and ecosystem have set a high bar for quality and we are working towards bringing solutions the community can benefit from. Our goal is to have the ActiveGo community edition have everything you need to be productive immediately after installation. Along with the standard Go toolchain, we will provide a compelling set of community tools, packages, and documentation to make Go adoption as easy as possible.

Learn more about our Early Adopter Program--help shape ActiveState's future language offerings, priority access to releases + more! Contact us to find out how to join the program.

Komodo IDE 10.2 Pre-Release - Test it out!
This version contains a ton of fixes and some cool new features we're excited to share with you. Before you go and download this pre-release please consider that this version is at an ALPHA stage and should not be expected to run without bugs. It WILL be lacking in polish and stability. That said, let's run through some of the biggest changes:
  • Unit Testing Overhaul
  • Slack Sharing
  • Yarn Support
  • Ruby on Rails Updates
  • Django Tools
  • Flask Tools
  • Tutorials for Catalyst, Django, Flask, Pyramid and Rails
  • Improved Shell Scope
  • ...+ more

Grep is Losing its Grip
Grep has been the de facto standard for programmers everywhere to find stuff in files. However, as time and technology has advanced, the sheer size and number of files has grown at a rapid rate. A good example is the source code for the linux kernel which at version 1.0 in 1994 consisted of 170,000 lines of code, and as of version 4.8 is now over 22M lines of code...

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

UPCOMING WEBINAR! Test Driven Development with ActivePython

WEBINAR: Test Driven Development With ActivePython

Hi sherly,

Date: January 25th, 2017
Time: 10am PST/1pm EST
Speakers: Tom Radcliffe (ActiveState Director of Engineering) & Jeff Rouse (ActiveState Director of Product Management)

Register here

Test driven development (TDD) continues to grow in popularity as a development process that promotes diligence, oversight, and robust programming practices. In fact, in our recent Open Source Survey, nearly half of respondents stated that they used TDD as one of their core development processes. Whether for new or legacy projects, TDD is becoming increasingly critical to how large enterprises develop and maintain applications. This feedback coupled with requests from Python developers led to the inclusion of key TDD modules in our most recent release of ActivePython. (To learn more about the latest ActivePython releases, 2.7.12 & 3.5.2, check out this blog.) 

In this webinar, Tom Radcliffe (ActiveState Director of Engineering) and Jeff Rouse (ActiveState Director of Product Management) discuss the emergence and importance of TDD, how it impacts Python developers, and what it means for enterprise programming. Some of the key topics they’ll cover include:
- What is TDD and how can it be implemented successfully
- Why is ActivePython well suited to TDD
- How can enterprises benefit from TDD
- And more!

Join us on January 25th to learn more!


The ActivePython Team

P.S. Did you know that Komodo IDE is now included with ActivePython? Review this blog for more details.

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