Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Apakah terjadi masalah?


Anda telah mendaftar untuk uji coba layanan VPN ZenVPN baru-baru ini. Kami memperhatikan Anda belum tersambung ke VPN tersebut.

Kami hanya ingin memberi tahu Anda bahwa jika Anda tidak dapat tersambung, kami ada di sini untuk membantu. Cukup balas surel ini dan jelaskan secara singkat apa yang salah, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda secepatnya.

Harap dicatat bahwa akun uji coba Anda masih aktif, jadi jika Anda ingin mencobanya, kunjungi tautan di bawah ini dan ikuti petunjuk di sana:
Salam Hangat,
Dukungan ZenVPN
Copyright © 2013-2016, All rights reserved.
Alamat surel kami adalah:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Konfirmasikan alamat surel Anda


Anda baru saja mendaftar untuk akun ZenVPN.

Untuk mengonfirmasi alamat surel Anda dan mulai menggunakan ZenVPN, ikuti tautan ini:
Jangan ragu menghubungi kami apabila Anda perlu bantuan.
Salam Hangat,
Dukungan ZenVPN
Copyright © 2013-2016, All rights reserved.
Alamat surel kami adalah:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

BlackBerry® ID Anda telah dibuat

BlackBerry® ID Anda telah dibuat


Anda telah membuat BlackBerry ID!

Untuk mendapatkan manfaat sepenuhnya dari BlackBerry ID, konfirmasi alamat email Anda.

Tautan ini akan kedaluwarsa dalam waktu 72 jam.

BlackBerry® ID adalah kunci universal BlackBerry Anda. Berikut ini yang ditawarkan:

  • Satu sign-in untuk semua aplikasi, layanan, dan situs Web BlackBerry.
  • Transfer otomatis atas beberapa layanan dan akun email bila Anda berpindah ponsel cerdas.
  • Akses penuh ke semua fitur di etalase BlackBerry® World™.
  • Perlindungan atas berbagai transaksi keuangan yang menggunakan layanan BlackBerry.

Pelajari hal lainnya tentang BlackBerry ID

Tim BlackBerry


Jika Anda tidak membuat atau tidak mengakui akun ini, harap klik, hapus BlackBerry ID ini.

Sept 2016: Dev Tools Sale; IDE Survey; Register for our Komodo Webinar; Tcl Conference Call for Papers

Our annual Back to Work sale has returned for the month of September. Save up to $250 when you place an order for new or upgrade licenses this month!

Take advantage of these great savings before September 30th; just enter the coupons below when you checkout on our store:

  • $50 off Komodo IDE, Perl Dev Kit (PDK), and Tcl Dev Kit (TDK) with coupon code BTW50
  • $250 off 5-packs of Komodo IDE, Perl Dev Kit (PDK), and Tcl Dev Kit (TDK) with coupon code BTW250

Visit our store to pick up a copy (or five!) today.

(Sorry, discount doesn't apply to Komodo Personal)


We want to hear from you! If you have a few minutes on your coffee break, take this short survey (5-10 minutes to complete) and tell us what you like (and don't like) about your IDE. Complete the survey for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

Komodo 10.1 is coming out soon! Building on the recent launch in May of Komodo 10, which included integrations with Cordova and Phonegap and remote Chrome debugging, Komodo 10.1 has even more tools and services to help developers get more done. Don’t forget--if you own Komodo IDE 10 (Komodo X) you will automatically get a free upgrade to 10.1.

Join Komodo Lead Developer Nathan Rijksen and Komodo Developer Carey Hoffman as they talk what’s new and how Komodo 10.1 remains the best IDE for web and mobile developers. Some of the topics they’ll cover include:

  • NEW tutorial tool (Demo of pre-built tutorials and how to build your own!)
  • NEW keybindings
  • Improved publishing
  • General overview of Komodo X
  • Live Q&A with the devs!
Register now for our webinar on September 8th and learn why developers continue to choose Komodo as their IDE of choice!

The 23rd Annual Tcl/Tk Conference is happening November 14-18. The program committee is asking for papers and presentation proposals from anyone using or developing with Tcl/Tk (and extensions). Past conferences have seen submissions covering a wide variety of topics including:
  • Scientific and engineering applications
  • Industrial controls
  • Distributed applications and Network Management
  • Object oriented extensions to Tcl/Tk
  • + more
Find out out how to submit your paper before September 12!

Thanks to all ActiveTcl downloaders and customers who completed our recent Tcl Survey. One of the most surprising results was the answer to the question of how long respondents have been using Tcl. We expected the majority of responses to be in the 10+ year range (Tcl is a well established language) and they were a significant portion of the results at 37%. But almost 54% of users replied that they’d been using Tcl for 3 years or less. Read the blog to find out more highlights from the survey.

Want to share your user story?
Based on our recent surveys, we know that customers are using our language distributions for a wide variety of tasks.  If you're working on or have worked on an interesting project that involved ActivePerl, ActivePython, or ActiveTcl and you'd like to share with our community, send an email to and our blog editor will get in touch with you.

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