Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two Great Webinars in September - Register Today

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Perl Solutions from ActiveState

Hi sherly,

We have two great webinars coming up in September that we think you'll enjoy. If you plan to attend, register quickly as space is filling up for both webinars, and space is limited.

Improving Customer Experience Using ActivePerl and ActivePython

Date: September 28, 2011
Time: 10am PST/ 1pm EST/ 7pm CEST

Parallels, a leader in virtualization and automation software, supports dynamic languages ActivePerl and ActivePython in its Plesk product to create a more seamless experience for their customers. Quality components and seamless installations make Parallels Plesk Panel, a server automation solution, a great choice for small business customers and hosting providers who require simplicity and reliability, and ActiveState helps to provide a solid solution within Plesk.

Join Blake Tyra, Plesk Panel Product Manager at Parallels, and Jeff Hobbs, Director of Engineering at ActiveState, to learn how to:

  • Get to market faster and add easily add functionality with ActivePerl and ActivePython in your software products
  • Increase customer experience and satisfaction with language distribution integration
  • Reduce QA cycles with ensured quality components
  • Eliminate legal risks when distributing Perl and Python in commercial products

Join us on Sept. 28th - space is limited!

Even if you don't use Python for in your daily programming, we thought you might be interested in this upcoming webinar. Steadily growing in popularity, easy to read, easy to learn, and enthusiastically supported by a community drawn from diverse programming backgrounds, Python is starting to emerge as the new lingua franca - a common tongue that bridges language gaps within and between organizations. Join us for our upcoming webinar, Python - The Programmer's Lingua Franca.

Date: September 14, 2011
Time: 10am PST/ 1pm EST/ 7pm CEST

Since you can't be proficient in every programming language under the sun, a language that bridges technologies and allows people to communicate their ideas is needed. Python is fast becoming that language.

Join Troy Topnik, Technical Communications Specialist, and Ingy dot Net, Senior Developer, to learn about:

  • Why Python is an ideal programmer's lingua franca
  • How leveraging Python can reduce up-front project costs
  • Why "Python as a Second Language" can increase efficiency within your organization
  • Why to use Python for cloud applications (migrating existing apps, creating new apps)
  • How using quality-assured, commercially supported ActivePython can ease your risks

Space is very limited for this webinar.

We look forward to seeing you at these webinars. If you have ideas for a webinar you'd like to see, let us know!

- The ActiveState Team

P.S. Looking for ActivePerl Business Edition? Save $249 per license through September 30th:

$999 $750/server/year

activestate_logo_ds.gif 1700 - 409 Granville Street | Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 | Canada |
Phone: (778) 786 1100 | Toll-Free: 1 (866) 631 4581 | Fax: (778) 786 1133

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Whitepaper: Leverage the Cloud for Your Perl Applications

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Hi sherly,

Historically, moving your Perl applications to the cloud meant making changes to your code in order for it to work in that new space. That has often meant scrapping perfectly good code and starting from scratch—but moving applications to the cloud is getting a lot easier, and there are several good business reasons to do so.

Our newest whitepaper explains how Stackato offers a simple way to deploy your Perl apps to the cloud in 15 minutes or less.

We hope that you enjoy this whitepaper.


The Perl Team
ActiveState Software

activestate_logo_ds.gif 1700 - 409 Granville Street | Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 | Canada |
Phone: (778) 786 1100 | Toll-Free: 1 (866) 631 4581 | Fax: (778) 786 1133

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Your ActiveState News for August 2011

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Issue 35
August 2011
Welcome to the August issue of the ActiveState Dynamic Languages Newsletter! In this issue you'll find:
  • Stackato Beta Officially Launched!
  • Whitepaper: Leverage the Cloud for Your Python & Perl Apps
  • Events: VMWorld and Cloud Computing Expo
  • Whitepaper: Quality Ingredients for Software

As always, please feel free to drop us a line if you have ideas for future issues or feedback.

  The ActiveState Team

Stackato Beta Officially Launched

We are happy to announce the Beta release of Stackato, our enterprise cloud platform for Perl and Python.

The Beta wouldn't have been possible without all the great feedback we received from our Developer Preview over the past few months. We've incorporated your suggestions by adding and beefing up these features:

  • Python 3 support
  • PostgreSQL database
  • MongoDB database
  • Catalyst (Perl web framework)
  • https support

We'd love to get more input as we move into the Beta phase. Simply request access and we'll send you an invite code and a VM download link for you to get started.

You'll also want to check out our new video: "Python in the Cloud: Lessons Learned at ActiveState". Based on our experience with Stackato, we've developed six best practices for distributing and deploying apps to the cloud.

We hope you enjoy the Beta and we look forward to getting your feedback!

Request access to the Stackato Beta>>

Stackato Beta
Whitepaper: Leverage the Cloud
Whitepaper: Leverage the Cloud for Your Python & Perl Applications

Historically, moving your applications to the cloud meant making changes to your code in order for it to work in that new space. That has often meant scrapping perfectly good code and starting from scratch--but moving applications to the cloud is getting a lot easier, and there are several good business reasons to do so.

Find out how Stackato offers a simple way to deploy your apps to the cloud in 15 minutes or less.

Download our featured whitepaper>>

Cloud Events: VMworld and Cloud Computing Expo

ActiveState is excited to be sponsoring two big cloud computing events this year! With the launch of the Stackato Beta, we want to be on hand to talk to those of you with your heads in the cloud.

Aug. 29 - Sep. 1, we will be at VMworld in Las Vegas. Look for us in the New Innovator section of the hall, at booth #171O (as in "OH yeah, we're excited!). We'll be doing a technical talk as well (date TBD). If you're heading there and would like to see Stackato in action or chat with us, send us an email.

Nov. 7 - 10, we will be at the Cloud Computing Expo in Santa Clara, CA. Come find us on the exhibit floor, and catch our speaking session featuring Bart Copeland, President and CEO of ActiveState. If you plan to be there and would like to arrange a chat, let us know!

Of course, we're always keen on sponsoring events - check out our other upcoming events in the right hand side of this newsletter and tell us if there's one we should be attending.

Upcoming Cloud Events
Whitepaper: Quality Ingredients for Software
Quality Ingredients for Software: ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl

Spending time, resources and money "recreating the wheel" is not a wise business choice, yet many companies find that they are doing just that.

When it comes to software development, rely on pre-built and proven dynamic scripting languages ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl to give your team time to focus on core competencies and value-add. Shorten your development cycle, increase efficiency, and shorten your time to market--all while relying on the industry's best available (cross-platform) language distributions.

Learn more about redistribution options for ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl>>

This month's Quick Poll should take no more than one minute to complete.

One respondent will receive a Komodo IDE license  just for taking the time to participate! Take the quick poll now.

Thanks to everyone who participated in July's quick poll. And congratulations to Kenny Fowler, who has won a free license of Komodo IDE.


Perl Dev Kit 9.1, with support for ActivePerl 5.14

Komodo IDE 6.1.2

ActiveState is proud to sponsor the following upcoming events:

Aug 15-17, Riga, Latvia

DrupalCon London
August 22-26, London, UK

Kiwi PyCon

August 27-28, Wellington, NZ

Aug 29-Sep 3, Las Vegas, NV

DjangoCon US
Sep 6-8, Portland, OR

Perl.IT Workshop
Sep 8-9, Torino, Italy

Python Brasil [7]
Sept 29-Oct 1, São Paulo, Brasil

OpenStack Boston
Oct 3-7, Boston, MA

PyCon DE
Oct 4-9, Leipzig, Germany

PyCon Ireland
Oct 8-9, Dublin, Ireland

Cloud Computing Expo
Nov 7-10, Santa Clara, CA

Planning an event we should know about? Have an event you recommend we attend? Send us an email.

Check out all upcoming events.


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Seems everyone does these days.

Stay on top of the latest happenings at ActiveState - news, offers, contests, blogs - and connect with other developers through Twitter.
Follow us @activestate
1700 - 409 Granville Street | Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 | Canada |
Phone: (778) 786 1100 | Toll-Free: 1 (866) 631 4581 | Fax: (778) 786 1133

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quality Ingredients for Software - New Whitepaper

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Hi sherly,

We wanted to send you our newest whitepaper, Quality Ingredients for Software: ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl

Spending time, resources and money "recreating the wheel" is not a wise business choice, yet many companies find that they are doing just that.

You've already downloaded ActivePerl, ActivePython or ActiveTcl, so when it comes to creating software that you plan to redistribute, rely on these language distributions, giving your team time to focus on core competencies and value-add.

Bundling ActivePerl, ActivePython or ActiveTcl into your products can save time, money and resources. Find out how CA, Parallels, and Rockwell Collins used our pre-built and proven language distributions to do just that.

We hope you enjoy this white paper! If you have any questions about how we can help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Kind Regards,

The ActiveState Team
1.866.510.2914 (Toll free in N. America)

activestate_logo_ds.gif 1700 - 409 Granville Street | Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2 | Canada |
Phone: (778) 786 1100 | Toll-Free: 1 (866) 631 4581 | Fax: (778) 786 1133

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